Opstal Vars

What is Opstal Vars? 

Opstal Vars is an idea that was born some years ago at markets we held on the farm wherein
we wanted to bring together Vars products, Vars ideas and Vars people.
Our farm has been family owned and run since 1847 and the current operational duo
of Zak and Attie Louw are the 7th generation descendants of JC ‘Lang Jan’ Rossouw, the first
owner of “De Opstal bij de Fonteine”. We together with our 6th generation parents Stanley and
Ria Louw, have relationships with amazing farmers and specialist producers in our area and this
gives us the advantage to fill your Opstal Vars box with both every day and niche products at a
fair price to both customer and farmer.

How does it work? 

Cost per box is R650. Orders are placed by visiting our online shop www.opstal.co.za/opstal-shop or
by phoning Opstal Estate.

Each customer will receive a box filled with carefully selected seasonal and artisan products sourced from local farmers and producers in the Breedekloof Wine Valley, made with care and passion.

What kind of produce can you expect? 

The content of the Opstal Vars box will be altered monthly.

– Trusted, local suppliers from the Breedekloof Wine Valley.

– ‘Friends of Opstal’ in who’s philosophy we trust and love to support.

– Products that promote fairness.

– Varying Opstal Estate wine in every box.

Forget for a moment the fact that this is the right thing to do in terms of being thoughtful of our planet, you actually get far greater quality that supermarkets can provide at a cheaper price and with more convenience.

*Please note: The Opstal Vars box content is standard. Orders can’t be placed for a customised box.

The big picture? 

The idea is more of a passion project than chasing commercial success and we want it to grow and be administered as organically as possible, allowing everyone involved to buy into the idea and join our sustainability drive. Through creating the Opstal Vars box we aim to lower our carbon footprint in terms of shortening the chain in getting the produce to the end customer in a sustainable as possible way. Furthermore, we want to give back to our Opstal community one box at a time. We are proud to have 3rd generation farm workers that have helped to make Opstal a success with thirty families who permanently live and work at Opstal. We have created a role for an additional worker to manage the logistics of putting together these boxes and we look forward to creating more jobs as the demand for our boxes increases.

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Opstal Vars Producers 

Opstal Farm Kitchen

Ria Louw has been the driving force behind the Opstal restaurant since it opened in 2004, but through the years also perfected the craft of producing all the typical nostalgic farm kitchen produce we all have come to love in South Africa. Think Hanepoot and Peach jam, pickled onions, grandma Ansie’s mustard sauce or pickled olives from our own trees.

Callie Deetlefs

Callie’s dad, Johan Erf started producing premium honey from 2005 with his right-hand man Stanley Jantjies with the nickname Seun (son). After Johan passed away in 2012, Callie continued the venture with Seun by his side. Currently, all their located in the Breedekloof Valley. When asked about his product, Callie said he did not have much to say apart from stating that he produces 100% pure honey. He is very focused on quality above quantity. When he is not satisfied with his product, he will sell it to Woolies. His annual production is between 2000 to 3000 five hundred gram bottles per year.

Winelands Free Range Chicken

Our farm is situated in the beautiful town of Rawsonville. We are a small scale free range chicken farm, farming with eggs and chickens. We are 3 brothers who farm on the farm we grew up on. Our chickens roam freely on our pastures and compost heaps the whole day. Our barn doors gets opened at 7am and closed at 7pm thus giving our chickens ample time to forage around.

The definition of free range farming is as follow:
No Routine Antibiotics . No Hormones . Pasture raised . No Force feeding . No Fish Meal

Boland Mushrooms

Die sampioenplaas is opgerig in groot geloof deur Theo Griessel wat maar ‘n wingerboer was in murg en been. Sedert 2002 het sy dogter by hom aangesluit en ten volle die besigheid oorgeneem in 2009 nadat die fungus haar behoorlik betower het. Die plaas kweek die gewone wit knopiesampioen asook bruin portabella en portabellini sampioene en beoog om ind ie nabye toekoms ook van die meer eksotiese tipes op die produksielys by te voeg. Die sampioene word op ‘n substraat van koringstrooi, wat oor weke gekomposteer word, gegroei. Tonnels wat spesiaal op gerig is vir hierdie, vol geite, fungus word om die unieke klimaat wat nodig is, te skep. Ons konsentreer veral op die bulk mark en poog om die behoeftes van elke klient eerste te stel.

Heinrich Lategan

Heinrich and his team planted their first basil in 2002 and started producing natural products without using preservatives within a year. The basil they produce are not organic certified, however they do not use any chemical sprays on their basil. The basil is grown and produced on their farm with the help of farm workers from the area.

Namaqua Olive Oil

Warm, dry summers with cool winters led the Avenant family from wine farming to being the only olive oil producer in the Olifantsriver Valley. Wine and olive oil are no strangers to the culinary world, and both are indispensable as food partners. Namaqua Olive Oil takes a worthy stand in the food world with a soon to be released balsamic vinegar to complete the partnership. Namaqua Olive Oil is extra virgin cold pressed olive oil (EVOO), pressed on the farm in Vredendal and of exceptional quality


Lowerland is a mixed organic family farm on the banks of the Orange River near Prieska. We farm soil to soul, producing a basket full of top quality, nutritious and tasty end products: pecan nuts, heritage and ancient grains, stone ground flour, wine, pastured meat and veggies. Our philosophy and farming methods center around integration, managing complexity, closing the loops, building skills, networks, soil life and diversity throughout the system.

Gevonden Herb Salt

Gluten, Preservative and MSG free
Natural Herbs from the slopes of the Du Toitskloof Mountains and beyond mixed with Natural Khoisan Sea Salt from the West Coast. A “Secret Spice” blend that was previously only available to family and close friends. By popular demand and especially for its health and anti-allergy properties it can now be enjoyed by you to simplify cooking and enhance the flavour of your food.

Joanna Hall

Miss J.L. Hall’s™ Worcester(shire) sauce was born in Worcester, South Africa in 2011. Miss Hall, who originates from Great Britain, has always had a love of Worcester Sauce & spices so what better place to make such a sauce than in Worcester but this time in the Southern Hemisphere! Their products are a collection of Worcester sauces that started with what they call our ‘Original’ version, a complex blend of ground spices, brown sugar, dried fruit and garlic in a naturally fermented vinegar base.

Cafe Hugo

Café Hugo in collaboration with Hugo Boutique Coffee Roatesery believe in the art of roasting coffee. From sourcing only the finest beans through to roasting, sorting, packing and brewing – we ensure that we bring you a coffee of the highest regard.

To enhance the artisan nature of our coffee we celebrate the artist Hugo Naudé 1869 – 1941. A Worcester local who is renowned as South Africa’s first impressionist artist. You can read more of his story inside the restaurant or visit the Hugo Naudé House on Russel street to view the largest collection of his works.

Our roastery started in the home of Deon and Cindy de Bruyn. With theeir trusted bulldog “Boland” and the love of their son Xavier, they made a name for themselves over four years as the local family known as:”Bean to coffee.” Now you can enjoy their same lovingly made coffee in the beautiful setting of Café Hugo in Worcester.

Fred Deetlefs

Fred Deetlefs produces Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula Edodus) on a farm on the outskirts of Rawsonville. Production takes place in a natural way without the use of chemicals. These ecotic mushrooms are produced on populier wood and are mostly used for human consumption and medicinal value.


Handmade soap by Nicole

I love this quote by Morgan Harper Nichols ”  How liberating it is to pursue wholeness instead of perfection. “

Living in Slanghoek Valley is such a privilege. I moved here 15 years ago and last year I made the transition from “ boer se vrou “ to “boervrou .“  I stopped working and decided to make soap for our family. My children had eczema and my husband, being a farmer, struggled with dry, rough hands. Soon family and friends asked if they could buy my soap and now I love sharing my soap with everyone. It is a natural product with no colourants or preservatives. I hope you love my soap as much as we do.

Piece of Cake

Piece of Cake was accidentally founded in 2013 by Chantal Jordaan. Chantal joined the Opstal team 17 years ago and today she is the Accounting Manager on the estate. Her business started when one of Opstal’s farm workers, Sanna Antonie, ordered a cake for her mom, Grieta Antonie’s birthday. Sanna heard that Chantal produces and sells cakes on order. At that stage, this was not the case. Up until then, Chantal has only baked cakes for her household. In the end, Chantal did bake a cake for Sanna that was delivered on 22 July 2013. Word spread and today Piece of Cake is a well-known producer of cakes for any occasion in the wider Rawsonville area.

Retha’s Homemade Mayo

Retha Rust’s love for food and the making of wholesome dishes, using fresh ingredients lead to the creation of this homemade mayo produced from only the freshest free range eggs and canola oil together with a few other secret ingredients. Great on its own and even better as a butter replacement on your sandwich

Vry Wei Eiers

What started out as a hobby has now turned into a small business, and more importantly the reason for Nicolaas to get up early in the mornings. Nicolaas is a winemaker by day and egg farmer by night. His passion for animals, approach to natural farming and the great care in which he treats his chickens is the reason we’re working with him. He follows his grandma Phoepe’s recipe of adding a cocktail of aloe, garlic and Epsom salt to their drinking water ensuring a healthier and tastier egg at the end of the day.